Finding a kindred spirit

Well I am slap bang in the middle of mid terms at campus, I have tons of studying to do and I really should not be sitting here blogging. But you know how sometimes you get an idea for a story or a blog or something and you know you just have to write about it because if you don’t then the idea is just going to run away from you and you will have completely forgotten about it. Well that is how it is for me.

When exam time comes around and I have tons of things to do the only way that I can really de-stress is by reading a novel and this exam time I started reading Sarah Dessen’s latest release, Saint Anything. I am just about half way through and I am already completely and totally in love with the book. The characters are all so amazingly life-like and likable that one cannot help but be taken in by them. The ‘antagonists’ for the most part also always have that one redeemable characteristic that wins them over initially.

I first encountered a Sarah Dessen book many years ago in the form of That Summer and at first it didn’t seem like my ‘style’ and then I forgot about her books after I went through a thriller book addiction for a few years. However in my final year of school I rediscovered Sarah Dessen once again when I started reading The Truth about Forever. From the first line “Jason was going to Brain Camp.” To the last line of the novel, “Look,there. Now. Now. Now” I was hooked. That year I read all of Sarah’s books and I knew that my life would never be the same again. Just like Anne of Green Gables found a kindred soul in Diana so too did I find kindred souls in all of these characters. I often finished the books wishing the characters were real and that I could have friends like them. One character in particular I related to especially and that was Auden. I am not sure what it was exactly but there was something about her that stayed with my long after I finished.This Lullaby and Lock and Key are my two favorites but Auden still remains my favorite character. Although Layla is coming in a close second at the moment. I think it was just the fact that I related to her so much while at the same not related with her if that makes any sense. Like the fact that I can’t ride a bike as well and I spent a lot of my time studying, being a loner. However I wished I would be like her and have midnight adventures,exploring the city while everyone sleeps.

i also think the novels all resonated with my greatly because of when I started reading them that is the year that I was finishing school and about to begin college. That transition in my life that was mirrored to a certain extent in those characters lives was just amazing.

I Would like to write more especially because I have tons more to say but I have to get back to my studying.

Finally to Sarah Dessen: even if you may never read this, thank you for creating the most awesome and powerful characters that I have ever had the fortune to meet.


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